Wembley To Soweto Foundation Modern Slavery Policy
1. Introduction
The Wembley To Soweto Foundation is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all its activities and supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and ensuring that slavery and human trafficking have no place in our organization.
2. Definition
Modern slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and exploitation, including all forms of child labour.
3. Commitment
- The foundation is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings.
- We will not tolerate slavery or human trafficking within our organization or in any part of our supply chain.
4. Responsibilities
- • All staff and volunteers are responsible for understanding and implementing this policy.
- The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring compliance and regularly reviewing the effectiveness of anti-slavery measures.
5. Due Diligence
- The foundation will assess and monitor its supply chains to identify and mitigate risks of modern slavery.
- Suppliers and partners will be expected to adhere to our anti-slavery values, and contractual agreements will include clauses requiring compliance.
6. Training and Awareness
- Staff and volunteers will receive training to understand the risks of modern slavery and their role in preventing it.
- Awareness campaigns will be conducted to promote a culture that rejects slavery and exploitation.
7. Reporting Mechanisms
- Any suspicions or concerns regarding modern slavery in the foundation’s activities or supply chains must be reported promptly.
- Whistleblowing procedures will be in place to protect those reporting concerns.
8. Supplier and Partner Engagement
- The foundation will engage with suppliers and partners to encourage them to adopt and enforce anti-slavery policies.
- Regular reviews of supplier compliance will be conducted.
9. Continuous Improvement
- The foundation is committed to continuous improvement in its efforts to combat modern slavery.
- Regular reviews of this policy will be conducted to ensure alignment with legal requirements and evolving best practices.
10. Collaboration and Advocacy
The foundation will collaborate with other organizations, government bodies, and NGOs to contribute to the wider efforts to eradicate modern slavery.
11. Compliance with Legal Requirements
The foundation will comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning modern slavery.