Latest news and events

BA Degree Fine Art Project

Continuing our long-standing and hugely successful collaboration with East Sussex College in Lewes, UK, we are currently working with Art students on the Creative Enterprises BA degree course. Over the 10 week spring term, students will be working on their individual interpretations of photographs taken by W2S students. There is a celebrity component to this and the final artwork will be auctioned at a gala event to raise funds for The Foundation.

Arsene Wenger by Karmen
Arsene Wenger. Photo by Karmen

Senior Citizens’ Storytelling Initiative with BELTA Age Concern and Hydrocracker Theatre Company in Brighton, UK

W2S Director of Photography, John Cole, worked alongside 18 year-old student Kaddie to document this storytelling project led by Jem Wall. These images encapsulate the success of the project and the enjoyment it brought to participants from all walks of life.

IMEX Exhibition Frankfurt, LA exhibition

A beautiful selection of photographs from our 2023/24 East LA project run alongside Leica, From The Streets To The Set and Carnival Pictures, was exhibited in Frankfurt’s Messe Exhibition Halls in late May. Thanks to our partner IMEX the students’ work was seen by over 15,000 attendees at the largest trade fair of its type in the world.

Worldwide Galas

Further Large-scale exhibitions of photographs from across the world will take place in Europe and the US in 2024-25. Frankfurt, London, Las Vegas, San Francisco and Los Angeles are the chosen cities in May, September, October, February and April respectively. Watch this space for venues and dates!

The Wembley To Soweto/Leica Collaboration

The Foundation began its partnership with Leica in 2022. There is probably no logo as famous as the Leica red dot or cameras as prestigious as those pioneered by Leica. One of the most famous names in photography, many of the world’s most iconic photographs were, and continue to be, taken with Leica cameras.

More about our collaboration with Leica

Celebrity shoots and auction

Further celebrity portraiture sessions will be undertaken by graduates and students alike, throughout 2024. The results will be exhibited both in galleries and online. The prints will be signed by the subjects and auctioned as unique, one-off, collectors’ items in order to raise funds for the charity. Watch this space!